美國康乃爾大學植物系博士經歷 / 榮譽
- Chao-Chin Huang, Shang-Ling Ou, Chong-Zheng Lin, Sz-Yun Chen, Ju-Chieh Chou and Hsin-Mei Ku* (2014) Simulation study of genomic markers for Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Resistance in Winter Squash (Cucurbita moschata). Crop Environment and Bioinformatics 11: 26-38
- Mulyantoro, Shang-Ling Ou, Shu-Yun Chen, Szu-Chien Liu, Tzu-Chuan Lo, Andi Wahyono, Sz-Yun Chen and Hsin-Mei Ku* (2014) Conversion of genic male sterility (GMS) system of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) to cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) Plant Breeding 133(2):291-297
- Jo-Chu Chen, Yen-Chu Wang, Hsin-Pang Tsai, Shyh-Shyan Wang, Hung-Wei Wang, and Hsin-Mei Ku1* (2013) Molecular Genetic Characterization of Fruit Firmness and Thickness Loci in Tomato. J. Taiwan Soc. Hort. Sci. 59(3):219-229, 201
- Yu-Tsung Lin, Fuh-Jyh Jan, Chia-Wei Lin, Tzu-Chuan Lo, Chien-Hung Chung, Jo-Chu Chen, Hsiang-Hao Su, Shy-Dong Yeh, and Hsin-Mei Ku* (2013) Differential Gene Expression in Response to Papaya ringspot virus Infection in Cucumis metuliferus using cDNA- Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis. PLOSONE 8(7) e68749 July(SCI )
- Shu-Yun Chen, Ting-Xuan Dai, Yuan-Tsung Chang, Shyh-Shyan Wang, Shang-Ling Ou, Wen-Ling Chuang, Chih-Yun Cheng, Yi-Hua Lin, Li-Yin Lin and Hsin-Mei Ku* (2013) Genetic diversity among Ocimum species based on ISSR, RAPD and SRAP markers. Austral J Crop Sci 7(10): 1463- 1471
- Huei-Mei Chen, Hsin-Mei Ku, Roland Schafleitner, Tejinderjit S. Bains, C. George Kuo, Chien-An Liu, and Ramakrishnan M. Nair (2013) The major Quantitative Trait Locus for Mungbean yellow mosaic Indian virus resistance is tightly linked in repulsion phase to the major bruchid resistance locus in a cross between mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] and its wild relative Vigna radiata ssp. Sublobata. Euphytica July 2013, Volume 192(2) 205-216 (SCI )
- Kuang‐Ming Hsu, Jinn‐Lai Tsai, Ming‐Yih Chen, Hsin‐Mei Ku*, Szu‐Chien Liu* (2013) Molecular phylogeny of Dioscorea in East and Southeast Asia. Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, 58 (1): 21-27 (SCI )
- Ching-Yi Lin, Hsin-Mei Ku, Yi-Hua Chiang, Hsiu-Yin Ho, Tsong-Ann Yu,and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. (2012) Development of transgenic watermelon resistant to Cucumber mosaic virus and Watermelon mosaic virus by using a single chimeric transgene construct Transgenic Res : 21: 983-993*The authors Ching-Yi Lin and Hsin-Mei Ku equally contributed to this work. (SCI )
- Hsin-Mei Ku, Chee-Wee Tan, Yen-Shuo Su, Chih-Yu Chiu, Chien-Teh Chen*, and Fuh-Jyh Jan* (2012) The effect of water deficienct and excess copper on proline metabolism in Nicotiana benthamiana. Biologia Plantarum 56(2): 337-343 (SCI )
- Lin, C.-Y., Tsai, W.-S., Ku, Hsin-Mei, and Jan, Fuh-Jyh* (2012) Evaluation of DNA fragments covering the entire genome of a monopartite begomovirus for induction of viral resistance in transgenic plants via gene silencing. Transgenic Res 21(2): 231-241(SCI)
- Hsin-Mei Ku, Chi-Chien Hu, Hui-Ju Chang, Fuh-Jyh Jan* and Chien-Teh Chen*(2011) Analysis by virus induced gene silencing of the expression of two proline biosynthetic pathway genes in Nicotiana benthamiana under stress condition. Plant Physiol & Biochem 49(10): 1147-1154 (SCI )
- Yu-Tsung Lin, Chia-Wei Lin, Chien-Hung Chung, Mei-Hsiu Su, Hsiu-Yin Ho, Shi-Dong Yeh, Fuh-Jyh Jan*, and Hsin-Mei Ku* (2011) In Vitro Regeneration and Genetic Transformation of Cucumis metuliferus via Cotyledon Organogenesis. HortScience 46(4): 616-621 (SCI)
- Ching-Yi LIN, Hsin-Mei KU, Chee-Wee TAN, Shyi-Dong YEH and Fuh-Jyh JAN (2011). Construction of the binary vector with bi-selectable markers for generating marker-free transgenic plants. Bot Stud, 52: 239-248
- Li, Charng-Pei, Huang Shou-Horng, Chen Jen-Ren, Tseng Tung-Hi, Lai Ming-Hsing and Hsin-Mei Ku* (2011) Molecular characterization of introgression lines from a wild rice, Oryza officinalis, with resistance to brown planthopper. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 60: 263-278
- Lin, Ching-Yi, Ku, Hsin-Mei, Tsai Wen-Shi, Green Sylvia K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh (2011) Resistance to a DNA and a RNA virus in transgenic plants by using a single chimeric transgene construct. Transgenic Res. 20(2):261-270. (SCI)
- Zhong-Bin Wu, Hsin-Mei Ku, Chiou-Chu Su, Iou-Zen Chen and Fuh-Jyh Jan* (2011) Molecular and biological characterization of an isolate of Apple stem pitting virus causing pear vein yellows disease in Taiwan. Journal of Plant Pathology 92:723-730. (SCI)
- Shu-Yun Chen, Yu-Tsung Lin, Chia-Wei Lin, Wei-Yu Chen, Chih-Hung Yang, and Hsin-Mei Ku* (2010) Transferability of rice SSR markers to bamboo. Euphytica 175: 23-33 (SCI).
- Wu, Zhong-Bin, Ku, Hsin-Mei, Chen, Yun-Kun, Chang Chung-Jan and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. (2010). Biological and molecular characterization of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus causing chlorotic leaf spot on pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) in Taiwan. HortScience 45: 1073-1078 (SCI )
- Jen-Ren Chen, Hsin-Mei Ku, Jau-Yeuh Wang, and Min-Tze Wu. (2010). Exploitation and Characterization of EST-Derived Microsatellite Markers in Watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai]. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 58(4)310-315.
- Chang, Ho-Hsiung, Ku, Hsin-Mei, Tsai, Wen-Shi, Chien Rui-Che, and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. (2010) Identification and characterization of a mechanical transmissible begomovirus causing leaf curl on oriental melon. European Journal of Plant Pathology 127:219-228 (SCI )
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