莊愷瑋 Kai-Wei Juang - 教授
莊愷瑋 Kai-Wei Juang 教授


國立臺灣大學農業化學研究所博士 (1999/01)

經歷 / 榮譽

國立中興大學農藝學系 教授 (2024/02 ~)
國立嘉義大學農藝學系 教授 (2013/08 ~ 2024/01)
國立嘉義大學農藝學系 副教授 (2009/02 ~ 2013/07)
明道大學精緻農業學系 副教授 (2006/01 ~ 2009/01)
明道管理學院精緻農業學系 助理教授 (2001/08 ~ 2005/12)
國立臺灣大學農業化學系 博士後研究 (1999/08 ~ 2001/07)


1. Juang, K.-W., T. Tsai, C.-H. Syu, and B.-C. Chen*. 2024. Screen for low‑arsenic‑risk rice varieties based on environment–genotype interactions by using GGE analysis. Environ. Geochem. Health 46:4. (SCI)
2. Juang, K.-W., and C.-P. Chen*. 2023. Changes in soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks in organic farming practice and abandoned tea plantation. Bot. Stud. 64:28. (SCI)
3. 許健輝、林毓雯、楊博鈞、莊淞麟、鄭佳怡、莊愷瑋*. 2023. 以 GGE 雙軸圖評估水稻糙米鎘濃度之品種變異性及其環境交感效應。台灣農業研究72(2):161-179.
4. Juang, K.-W., L.-J. Chu, C.-H. Syu, and B.-C. Chen*. 2023. Coupling phytotoxicity and human health risk assessment to refine the soil quality standard for As in farmlands. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 30:38212-38225. (SCI)
5. 陳柱中、李達源、莊愷瑋*. 2022. 比較不同模式耦合溫度變化與農地變異模擬結球萵苣的生長。台灣農業研究 71(1):49-72.
6. 陳柱中、李達源、莊愷瑋*. 2021. 以生長分析和模式化評估結球萵苣的生長變異與氣候條件之關聯。台灣農業研究 70(4):253-269.
7. Juang, K.-W., L.-J. Chu, C.-H. Syu, and B.-C. Chen*. 2021. Assessing human health risk of arsenic for rice consumption by an iron plaque based partition ratio model. Sci. Total Environ. 763:142973. (SCI)
8. Juang, K.-W., Y.-J. Lo, and B.-C. Chen*. 2021. Modeling alleviative effects of Ca, Mg, and K on Cu-induced oxidative stress in grapevine roots grown hydroponically. Molecules 26:5356. (SCI)
9. Juang, K.-W., M.-C. Lin, and C.-J. Hou*. 2021. Influences of water management combined with organic mulching on taro plant growth and corm nutrition. Plant Prod. Sci. 24:152-169. (SCI)
10. Chiao, W.-T., B.-C. Chen, C.-H. Syu, and K.-W. Juang*. 2020. Aspects of cultivar variation in physiological traits related to Cd distribution in rice plants with a short‑term stress. Bot. Stud. 61:27. (SCI)
11. Chiao, W.-T., C.-H. Syu, B.-C. Chen, and K.-W. Juang*. 2019. Cadmium in rice grains from a field trial in relation to model parameters of Cd-toxicity and -absorption in rice seedlings. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 169:837-847. (SCI)
12. Chiao, W.-T., C.-H. Yu, and K.-W. Juang*. 2019. The variation of rice cultivars in Cd toxicity and distribution of the seedlings and their root histochemical examination. Paddy Water Environ. 17:605-618. (SCI)
13. Juang, K.-W., Y.-C. Lo, T.-H. Chen, and B.-C. Chen*. 2019. Effects of copper on root morphology, cations accumulation, and oxidative stress of grapevine seedlings. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 102:873-879. (SCI)
14. Lai, Y.-C., C.-H. Syu, P.-J. Wang, D.-Y. Lee, C. Fan, and K.-W. Juang*. 2018. Field experiment for determining lead accumulation in rice grains of different genotypes and correlation with iron oxides deposited on rhizosphere soil. Sci. Total Environ. 610-611: 845-853. (SCI)
15. Chen, B.-C., P.-J. Wang, P.-C. Ho, and K.-W. Juang*. 2017. Nonlinear biotic ligand model for assessing alleviation effects of Ca, Mg, and K on Cd toxicity to soybean roots. Ecotoxicology 26:942-955. (SCI)
16. Syu, C.-H., P.-R. Wu, C.-H. Lee, K.-W. Juang, and D.-Y. Lee*. 2018. Arsenic phytotoxicity and accumulation in rice seedlings grown in arsenic-contaminated soils as influenced by the characteristics of organic matter amendments and soils. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 182:60-71. (SCI)
17. Syu, C.-H., P.-H. Chien, C.-C. Huang, P.-Y. Jiang, K.-W. Juang, and D.-Y. Lee*. 2017. The growth and uptake of Ga and In of rice (Oryza sative L.) seedlings as affected by Ga and In concentrations in hydroponic cultures. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 135:32-39. (SCI)