陳建德 Chien-Teh Chen - 副教授兼系主任
陳建德 Chien-Teh Chen 副教授兼系主任



經歷 / 榮譽



  1. Ku HM, Hu CC, Lin YT, Jan FJ*, Chen CT* (2011) Analysis by virus induced gene silencing of the expression of two proline biosynthetic pathway genes in Nicotiana benthamiana under stress conditions. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 49:1147-1154. (SCI;) (IP:2.838; 39/190)
  2. Chang EH, Chen CT, Chen TH, Chiu CY* (2011) Soil microbial communities and activities in sand dunes of subtropical coastal forests. Appl. Soil Ecol. 49: 256-262. (SCI) (IP2.36;420)
  3. Hsieh FC, Chen CT, Weng YT, Peng SS, Chen YC, Huang LY, Hu HT, Wu YL, Lin NC*, Wu WF* (2011) Stepwise activity of clpy (hslu) mutants in the processive degradation of Escherichia coli ClpYQ (HslUV) protease substrates. J. Bacteriology 193:5465–5476. (SCI) (IP:3.825; 29/112)
  4. Fan CH, Hu CC, Chen CT*.2012. Using mix-sand culture to study the change of proline and abscisic acid content in tobacco new root under copper stress. Taiwanese J Agri. Chem. Food Sci. 49:289-295.
  5. Chen CT, Setter LT* (2012) Response of potato dry matter assimilation and partitioning to elevated CO2 at various stages of tuber initiation and growth. Environmental Experimental Botany 80:27-34. (SCI) (IP:2.985; 33/190)
  6. Ku HM, Tan CW, Su YS, Chiu CY, Chen CT*, Jan FJ* (2012) The effect of water deficit and excess copper on proline metabolism in Nicotiana benthamiana. Biologia Plantarum 56:337-343. (SCI) (IP:1.974; 61/190)
  7. Lai WY, Lai CM*, Ke GR, Chung RS, Chen CT, Cheng CH, Pai CW, Chen SY, Chen CC.2013. The effects of woodchip biochar application on crop yield, carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions from soils planted with rice or leaf beet. J. Taiwan Institute Chemical Engineers. J. Taiwan Institute Chemical Engineers. 44:1039-1044.
  8. Iida Y, Kohyama TS, Swenson NG, Su SH, Chen CT, Chiang JM, Sun IF*.2013. Linking functional traits and demographic rates in a subtropical tree community: the importance of size-dependency. Journal Ecology .
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