
  ♬112學年度畢業生施作UCAN職場共通職能診斷問卷填答流程,請連結網址 https://reurl.cc/LAmNrX 參閱。

For the procedure of graduates filling out the UCAN Workplace Competency  Questionnaire, please visit the link https://reurl.cc/LAmNrX .

♪ 112學年度畢業生無法登錄學校首頁單一入口,如何進行UCAN職能診斷問卷施測?請連結網址 https://reurl.cc/XEEx80 參閱。

If graduates cannot log into the school's single sign-on portal, how can they complete the UCAN competency questionnaire? Please visit the link https://reurl.cc/XEEx80 .


I am a graduate of 2024. Why is there no response when I click "Graduation/Leave School Processing" on the Academic Affairs System?


Method 1: Please go to the“Status/Enrollment Status”page on the Academic Affairs System to check the “Graduation Status”. If the“Graduated”field shows“N”, you will not be able to click“Leave School Processing”.


Method 2: Please go to the“Checklist of Graduation Credits”page on the Academic Affairs System to check the "Lacking Credits" and "Remarks" fields for explanations.